Christmas is just around the corner! It is a time for giving and receiving gifts, and organizing some activities to celebrate this feast with our loved ones. When December starts approaching, we even start buying new Christmas decorations to decorate our houses. These, as well as the food we consume during this holiday season, all come wrapped and packaged in different types of packaging materials, which will end up in waste management plants or waste bins.

The Christmas season has a huge impact on the amount of waste we generate, and this is a growing issue which requires efficient and up-to-date methods of waste management. IoT can assist this issue in various ways. Implementing a waste management solution deployed over an IoT environment has numerous advantages. Let us look at the main advantages:
The waste collection service is improved
The status of the bin fill-level can be monitored remotely
The bins are emptied before overflowing, contributing to a cleaner environment
Community complaints are reduced, or even eliminated
Over 50% can be saved in waste collection cost
The IoT waste management system can be compatible with any type of waste
The system can be compatible with different types of waste bins
The ecological footprint of the bins can be reduced
Alarms: Fire, Overturn, Overflow, Obstruction, and Leaks
Long service life
A mobile application showing the nearest available bins, and their status, then helps the citizens to find the nearest waste bin to discard the waste. This also makes the citizens feel part of the solution for better waste management. The operators of the smart waste management systems will also have a navigation application which calculates the route for maximum service efficiency, by considering various parameters, such as collection truck capacity and size and statistical traffic data.
IoT Solutions Ltd. is the expert in delivering complete solutions in the battery powered IoT industry. We focus on providing solutions that help improve the business and life standards, while reducing the impact on the environment. Get in contact with us to ensure the best device and network layer choice for your application!